True Costs
Conventional Farming
        Environmental Costs
        Social Costs
Organic Farming
        Economic Costs
The Perfect Balance
References and Picture Credits



1 Walsh, Bryan. "America's Food Crisis and How to Fix It." Time 31 Aug. 2009: 30-37.


1 "Scientific Facts on Climate Change 2007 Update." GreenFacts - Facts on Health and the Environment. Web. 03 Dec. 2010. <>.

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1 , Bryan. "America's Food Crisis and How to Fix It." Time 31 Aug. 2009: 30-37.

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6 Commonwealth of Virginia. Department of Conservation and Recreation. Program Year 2011: Virginia Agricultural Cost Share BMP Manual.

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1 Personal observation of the author.

2 Patel, Raj. The Value of Nothing. Melbourne: Black, 2009.

3 "Big Mac: Make Your Own." Local Lemons | Healthy, Local Recipes. Web. 04 Dec. 2010. <>.


Picture credits



Golden arches:

















Sheep: By Greg Evans

Field: By Greg Evans


Big Mac: